Key HLC Documents

In the course of the accreditation process, multiple documents are produced and exchanged by both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and by NMHU. This page lists some key documents in our recent interactions with the HLC.

June 26, 2023 Letter of Reaffirmation of Accreditation: This letter is the formal notification of the HLC Board of Trustees indicating the board has reaffirmed the accreditation of NMHU. The letter also calls for a Focused Visit no later than fall 2025. NMHU is therefore fully accredited and can expect another full comprehensive visit in either 2027 or 2028.

Focused Visit report 2020: This reports detailed the reasons for the need of a focused visit in March of 2020 for Criterions 4C, 5A & 5D and the resolutions enabled by the university to satisfy the HLC in these areas.

Policy on Financial Stability 2018

Letter of July 9, 2018 from HLC to Highlands University: This is the letter formally removing HU from probationary status. Additionally, this letter stipulates that HU will host a Focused Visit in 2019-20, and specifies the three areas of concern with will be addressed in the Focused Visit. This is a key document for our current accreditation status.

Assurance Argument submitted to HLC on 9/11/2017: After Highlands University was placed on probation, this document was produced by HU to demonstrate that the university had met all of the criteria for accreditation as specified by the HLC.

HLC Action Letter of September 8, 2016: This is the letter from the HLC formally placing HU on probation. The letter also outlines the specific criteria on which HU was determined to be out of compliance.