This is historical data. See current data on NMHU here.
2017-18 Assurance Argument
2017-18 Criteria for Accreditation
2017-18 Evidence Archive
2017-18 FAQ
2017-18 Probation Areas
2017-18 Process
2017-18 Progress
2017-18 Timeline
2017-18 Updates & News
This will be the page that links to each of our probation areas, Action Plans to resolve the probation issues in the area, and evidence to prove that resolution.
Probation Area 2.A: Contingent Faculty Handbook
Probation Area 3.C: Contingent Faculty Evaluation and Orientation
Probation Area 3.D: Resources at Centers
Probation Area 4.B: Assessment: Student Learning Outcomes and Co-Curricular
Probation Area 4.C: Student Retention, Persistence, and Completion
Probation Area 5.A: Reserves and Strategic Budgeting