ARMAS: Tutoring Services

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On NMHU Campus:

ARMAS and STEMFAST proudly offer supplemental instruction and tutoring services. Other on-campus tutoring options include:

Donnelly Library

(505) 454-3332


Staff at New Mexico Highlands University Libraries assist students with finding information for research projects and class assignments. Assistance is offered in person, by phone, by email, and by chat. The Library’s online catalog LIBROS, 33 online databases, 38,565 electronic journals, and 207,506 electronic books are available to Highlands patrons both on-campus and remotely through the Library’s web page. Donnelly Library has over 160,000 print books, two student computer labs, photocopiers, and scanners. One-credit library research courses (LIB-100) are offered every semester. The online helpdesk is through Blackboard Collaborate (like the EOS helpdesk). Students should log in as guests. Tutoring services available!

Language Learning Center

Douglas Hall
(505) 454-3175


Tutoring available in Spanish and American Sign Language.
Monday- Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Tutoring schedule https://www.nmhu.edu/llc

Writing Center

Douglas Hall 115E
(505) 454-3537


The Writing Center welcomes undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines who want guidance with papers in any field. The Writing Center assists students with the process of developing a college-level paper. We support students with generating and organizing ideas, using research materials effectively, and strengthening grammar and punctuation. We can also work with students to implement instructors’ suggestions for revision.

Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.