Other Services

Highlands offers counseling services free of charge to students at the Highlands Counseling Center.  The Counseling Center staff are well-trained professionals who can help students with a wide range of problems.  Students interested, should call the El Centro Family Health Office, located in the Student Health Center, at 454.3218.

Students seeking counseling services off campus can obtain a list of services available and phone numbers by calling the Highlands Police/Security Department. The department can put students in touch with the Las Vegas/San Miguel Rape Crisis Center, San Miguel Victims’ Assistance, the Mora/San Miguel Mental Health Services, the Rio Grande Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counseling Center, and numerous other public and private counseling services.  Many of these are free of charge or offered to students on a sliding-fee scale.

Students in need of support with alcohol and drug abuse related problems are encouraged to contact:

  • Highlands Happy Hour AA Group
  • Highlands End of the Line CA Group

If  you want to use alcohol or drugs, that’s your business, if you want to stop, that’s our business.  Maybe we can help.

  • AA Hotline: 505.425.3577
  • CA Hotline: 505.529.0302

Students with concerns or needing specific information about sexual assault and misconduct, policy development, and victims’ assistance issues, are encouraged to call the vice president of Student Affairs, at 454.3020 or the El Centro Family Health Office (counseling center) at 454.3218.

Additional services exist throughout the community to deal with special problems.  Students are encouraged to contact the Highlands Police/Security Department with their needs in order to be referred to the appropriate people or organizations.

NMHU Services

Counseling Services                505.454.3218
Housing & Student Conduct    505.454.3193
VP-Dean of Students               505.454.3020
Facilities Management             505.454.3260