Pino Endowment Award for Faculty Development

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Pino Endowment Application
Pino Endowment Guidelines

The Genovevo Dominguez Pino Memorial Endowment for Faculty Development is designed to provide faculty at NMHU an opportunity to further their development in the areas of Teaching, Research/Scholarly Activity, and Service to the University and Community.

“Faculty Development” is defined as: Any activity undertaken by an NMHU faculty member that enhances their teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service to the university and community.

“Faculty Member” is defined as: Any faculty that works at NMHU or existing NMHU Centers that is tenured, tenure track, librarian or a visiting professor that has worked full time for at least three years.

The ranking of the proposal is based solely on merit and ordered accordingly:

  • Teaching—the pursuit by a faculty member to enhance her/his teaching by learning new pedagogy: knowledge, techniques, skills, or methods.
  • Research and scholarly activity—the pursuit of a faculty member to enhance or expand his/her research area by learning new research techniques, skills, or methodology. Funds will not cover costs associated with overall research/creative endeavors, either new or extension of as this is the function of the Faculty Research Committee. More specifically, Pino funds are for learning new methodologies or techniques that enhance research, that will be shared with the university community.
  • Service to the University and Community—the pursuit by a faculty member to develop his/her knowledge, skills or methods to enhance the ability to provide service to the university or surrounding community.

If you have received prior funding from this fund a final comprehensive report must be submitted to the Chair of the Pino Endowment Committee. Failure to submit the final report will disqualify that faculty member from future funding until said report is submitted. This report, separate from the initial application, will remain on file at the University Archives.

The intent of the Pino Endowment Award is to provide all qualifying faculty members the opportunity to further their development in the areas of Teaching, Research/Scholarly Activity, and Service to the University and Community. Therefore, eligible faculty members receiving the award are not allowed to reapply for faculty development funds for a period of two years.

Call for proposals usually come out early in the semester.