Academic Affairs Committee || Athletic Committee || Faculty Affairs Committee || Faculty Research Committee || Financial Planning Committee || Grievance & Conciliation Committee || Instructional Technology Committee || International Education Committee || Library Committee || Outcomes Assessment Committee || Student Affairs Committee || Ballen || Student Evaluations
Academic Affairs Committee
One member from each college department, plus two members from each school, one librarian. Two-year terms, only two consecutive terms, elected by department or school.
Chair: Michael Remke
Secretary: Kimberly Munro
Art & Music: Todd Christensen
Biology: Sarah Corey-Rivas
Business Administration: Rodney Sanchez
Chemistry: Nabanita Saikia
Computer and Mathematical Sciences: John Jeffries
Education; Counseling: Lori Miller
Education; Curriculum and Instruction: KwangJong Park
Education; Educational Leadership: Rob Karaba
Education; Special Education: Vacant
Education; Teacher Education: Dawn Berry
English and Philosophy: Benjamin Villarreal
Exercise and Sport Science: Yongseek Kim
Forestry: Michael Remke
History and Political Science: Bilgesu Sumer
Languages and Culture: Andres Sabogal
Library: Kevin Corcoran
Media Arts and Technology: Mariah Hausman
Natural Resources Management: Mike Petronis
Nursing: Christopher Young
Psychology: Daniel Chadborn
Social Work: Annie Allen
Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice: Kimberly Munro
At-large Senate Liaison:Elaine Rodriquez
Ex-Officio Members:
Provost/VPAA: Roxanne Gonzales
Registrar: Henrietta Romero
Athletics Committee
Five at-large members elected by Faculty to 3-year terms.
Service Limited to 2 terms. No school or department may have more than two member.
Chair: Kathy Jenkins
At-Large: Kathy Jenkins; CAS: Exercise and Sports Sciences
At-Large: Mario Gonzales; CAS: Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminal Justice
At-Large: Seonsook Park; School of Education
At-Large: Vacant
At-Large: Vacant
Ex-Officio Members:
Faculty Athletic Representative: Ben Bencomo
Athletic Co-Directors: Shanna Halalilo and Jim Deisler
Faculty Affairs Committee
Ten committee members elected by College or School, two from Business, two from Education, four from College (two from Math & Sciences, two from Humanities and Fine Arts).
Chair: Jesus Rivas
College/Arts & Humanities: Mario Gonzales
College/Arts & Humanities: Vacant
College/Math & Science: Jesus Rivas
College/Math & Science: VACANT
Business: Mariah Hausman
Business: Vacant
Education: Anna Koch
Education: Vacant
Social Work: Dolores Ortega
Social Work: Vacant
Faculty Grievance and Conciliation Committee
Nine faculty members are elected by the Faculty Senate; no school or Department shall have more than two members.
Chair: Juan Gallegos
Secretary: Judy Barnstone
At-Large: Juan Gallegos (CAS: English
At-Large: Bill Hayward (CAS: ESS)
At-Large: Sheree Jederberg (Educational Leadership)
At-Large: David Sammeth (CAS: Chemistry)
At-Large: Kent Tucker (Business Administration)
At-Large: Judy Barnstone (Social Work)
At-Large: Miriam Langer (Media Arts)
At-Large: Rey Martinez (Social Work
At-Large: Vacant
Financial Planning Committee
Six At-Large members elected by the Faculty Senate. No School or Department may have more than one member.
Chair: Steven Karpowicz
At-Large: Steven Karpowicz (CAS; Chemistry
At-Large: Siri Khalsa (CAS; Nursing)
At-Large: Rey Martinez (School of Social Work)
At-Large: Elisabeth Valenzuela (School of Education)
At-Large: Andre Garcia-Nuthmann (CAS: Music)
At-Large: Stephen Owusu-Ansah (Business Administration)
Ex-Officio Members:
VP of Finance: Stephanie Gonzales
Provost/VPAA: Roxanne Gonzales
International Education Committee
Six faculty members: 2 from the College (1 from Mathematics and Sciences and 1 from Humanities and Fine Arts), 1 from each School, and 1 at-large member.
Chair: Donna Woodford-Gormley
Secretary: Emmanuel Nkwenti-Zamacho
Ex-Officio Member:
Director of International Education: Tina Clayton
International Education Committee Report – AY2022-23
Library Committee
One elected member from each school and five from the College, no more than 2 from the same discipline, at least one from Arts and Humanities and one from Math and Science, One librarian a voting member.
Chair: Melanie Zollner
Secretary: Juan Gallegos
College/Arts & Humanities: Juan Gallegos
College/Arts & Humanities: Shereen Lobdell
College/Arts & Humanities: Vacant
College/Math & Science: Justine Garcia
Business: Melanie Zollner
Education: Heather Smith
Social Work: Jeanette Baca
Librarian, Voting: Patrick Baumann
Librarian Members, Non-Voting: Ruben Aragon (Director), April Kent (Associate Director), Kevin Corcoran, Katie Gray, Nicole Kirby, Josephine Sena
Outcomes Assessment Committee
One from each school, three from college, at least one from Arts and Humanities and one from Sciences and Mathematics.
Chair: Erik Rolstad
Secretary: Amanda May
College/Math and Science: Sarah Tracy
College/Arts & Humanities: Amanda May
College/: Vacant
Business: Stephen Owusu-Ansah
Education: Rod Rock
Social Work: Erik Rolstad
Ex-Officio Member:
Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness: Heather Tilson
One member from each College department, plus two members from each School, one librarian.
Co-Chair: Jacob Avery
Co-Chair: Norma Valenzuela
Art & Music: Vacant
Biology: Justine Garcia
Chemistry: Joerg Kutzner
Computer and Mathematical Sciences: Vacant
English and Philosophy: Eddie Tafoya
Exercise and Sports Science: Bill Hayward
Forestry: Vacant
History and Political Science: Vacant
Languages and Culture: Norma Valenzuela
Library: Patrick Baumann
Natural Resources Department: Michael Petronis
Nursing: Vacant
Psychology: David Pan
Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice: Jacob Avery
Business: Ali Arshad
Business: Melanie Zollner
Education: Heather Smith
Education: Shirley Meckes
Social Work: Kim Knox
Social Work: Vacant
VPAA/Desginee: Roxanne Gonzales
Director of Research and Sponsored Projects: Ian Williamson
Research Committee Report; AY 2022-2023
Research Committee Report; AY 2023-2024 (meeting minutes included)
Student Affairs Committee
Twelve faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate; no school or department shall have more than two members; One member from the Faculty Senate.
Chair: Edward Harrington
Secretary: Jeannette Baca
At-Large: Edward Harrington, (CAS: Fine Arts)
At-Large: Jeanette Baca, Secretary (School of Social Work)
At-Large: Blanca Cespedes (CAS: Forestry)
At-Large: David Donley (CAS: Biology
At-Large: Laura Hansen (CAS; Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminal Justice)
At-Large: Emmanuel Nkwenti-Zamcho (School of Business)
At-Large: KwangJong Park (School of Education)
At-Large: Vacant
At-Large: Vacant
At-Large: Vacant
At-Large: Vacant
At-Large: Vacant
Ex-Officio Members:
VP/Dean of Students: Kim Blea
Director of Financial Assistance: Vacant
Director of Admissions: Vacant
Director of Registration: Henrietta Romero
Student Affairs Committee Report – Fall 2023
Technology Committee
One from each school, two from the college, one librarian.
College/Math & Sciences): Vacant
College/Math & Science: Vacant
Business: Rodney Sanchez
Education: Vacant
Social Work: Vacant
Library: Josephine Sena
Ex-Officio Members:
Information Technology Services: Adele Ludi
Director of Online Center: Patrick Wilson
Center for Teaching Excellence: Veronica Black
Committee lists are subject to change.