Unit Strategic Planning
Administrative Units: Strategic Plans and Reports
Reporting Cycle AY2019-20
Academic Departments: Strategic Plans and Reports
As part of our commitment to institutional effectiveness and improvement, all academic and administrative units at Highlands University are required to submit a unit-level strategic plan which is aligned with institutional goals as outlined in Strategic Plan 2020. All units are also required to submit an annual report which details the extent to which the unit was able achieve the initiatives outlined in the strategic plan.The unit strategic planning process is overseen by the Unit Strategic Planning Committee. A general guide for strategic planning activities is available to help units in the planning process.
The unit strategic plans and annual reports for the 2017-18 and 2018-19 academic years are listed below. Also included where applicable are updated versions of the unit strategic plans for AY2018-19. (Units are not required to update their strategic plans on an annual basis, but are encouraged to review them annually and make updates as appropriate.) A summary of the AY2018-19 reports is provided in the link below:
Summary of Unit Strategic Planning Reports AY2018-19
Each academic and administrative unit was also invited to submit a list of improvement initiatives they had undertaken in the 2017-18 academic year. These improvement initiatives provide a summary of some key activities that have been developed at the unit level to drive institutional improvement. A summary of these initiatives can be found at the links below:
Academic improvement initiatives for AY2017-18
Administrative improvement initiatives for AY2017-18
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research maintains a set of department level dashboards to assist academic departments in the planning process. These dashboards can be accessed through the links below.
Fall 2019 Departmental Dashboard (UG)
Fall 2019 Departmental Dashboard (GR)