Ruben Aragón
Las Vegas, N.M. – New Mexico Highlands University Donnelly Library director Ruben Aragón leads the 22-state consortium Amigos Library Services as the new chairman for its board of directors.
The consortium is a nonprofit that represents 800 libraries and works to help them obtain affordable information technology to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing among its members.
“Being part of Amigos Library Services helps keep Donnelly up-to-date with national library trends,” Aragón said. “Because it’s a collaborative, we achieve cost savings for purchasing electronic databases. Amigos also offers valuable online training that advances our skills and enhances our Donnelly services, also in a cost effective way.”
Aragón, who has served as Donnelly Library director for 24 years, serves in another leadership position as vice president/president-elect for the New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries (NMCAL)
“The primary benefit of NMCAL is seeking solutions together for the issues facing academic libraries in the state. Because it’s a collaborative, we also get discounts on library services like databases,” said Arágon, who served two previous terms as NMCAL president.
The New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries includes 30 public college libraries as well nine private higher education institutions. The consortium presents the unified position of academic libraries on key issues including funding. It also implements collaborative projects for resource sharing, collection development and networking.
Since 2003, Aragón has chaired NMCAL’s legislative committee. In this leadership role, Aragón promotes the need for additional funds for the state’s higher education academic libraries to the New Mexico Legislature.
Aragón said the partnerships with Amigos Library Services and New Mexico Consortium of Academic Libraries allow Donnelly Library to subscribe to many more electronic resources than it could on its own, from research databases to online academic journals and e-books.
“Over the years, Donnelly has kept pace with rapid technological advances in delivering library services. We strive to have top-of-the-line research resources for the university. Our ongoing goal is to help students find the library resources they need for their academic success – whether through technology-based information or traditional collections,” Aragón said.
Aragón said another important goal for Donnelly Library is to provide library resources for the Las Vegas community, distance education students, and lifelong learners.
Aragón oversees all Donnelly Library functions such as planning, budgeting, personnel, collections, technology, legislative matters, and more. He served as assistant director for six years before assuming responsibilities as director.
He earned his M.S. in library science from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and his B.S. in education with an emphasis in library science from Highlands University.
Donnelly Library is at 802 National Ave. and is online at www.nmhu.edu/library