Information for SJC Students

Get Your Degree Locally

These academic programs provide an opportunity for students to attend class without having to come to Highlands' Las Vegas campus.

On-Site Courses
All Highlands on-site courses are offered in the evenings and on weekends to accommodate the working community. Each semester, Highlands University offers up to 30 undergraduate and graduate courses that are available at San Juan College.

Sequential Course Mapping
Highlands’ course schedules are on a two-year rotational sequence, which enables students to map out their educational goals for the future.

Who Can Apply?
The dual-degree bachelor programs allow students who are pursuing an associate's degree from an accredited community/junior college to apply to Highlands. Students who qualify may concurrently enroll into both the two-year college and Highlands University. Students who have enrolled and completed course work toward a bachelor’s degree from other accredited institutions also may apply.

Distance Education Courses
Highlands University also offers distance education courses through electronic communication for students interested in these and other educational fields.